I'm Weird, and I'm Mystical

Tune: William Hargreaves's "Burlington Bertie from Bow"

I'm weird,
And I'm mystical—
Heaven and earth
Shook, at my birth!
Anyway, so I was told.
I join
With the English, but
Only so long as it suits;
With two from the North
Against Henry IV,
For the time being, I'm in cahoots.

I'm Owen Glendower,
And I have the power
To call from the vasty deep
The spirits and sirens
Who haunt those environs
(Except when they're fast asleep).
As smoothly as butter
My mantras I mutter,
'Til folk within earshot believe me a nutter:
I'm Welch,
I have but to belch,
And the doughtiest Englishman quails.
Whether York or Lancaster,
I'm still my own master—
I'm Owen Glendower of Wales.